Know the speed of arrival of tourist presences in your area by comparing it with the same photograph recorded for the same period the year before.

Same Point in Time (SPIT) statistics are one of the most valuable and essential features of the platform.They allow you to compare the OTB of your property or destination for the most important KPIs (number of rooms sold, ADR, average price net of VAT and service value, RevPAR, and total revenue) to last year's OTB photographed on the same date. The three lines in the SPIT charts have three different colors: blue, yellow, and magenta. The blue line represents OTB occupancy, the bookings received by your facility for the next 90 days. On the other hand, the yellow line represents the OTB occupancy photographed on the same date last year, a still image of what was happening last year at precisely the same time. Finally, the magenta one represents the consolidated figure, the final balance of the previous year.

Occupancy - Same Point in Time

With this feature, it is possible to know the arrival of reservations in the area comparing the reservations received the previous year on the same date.

Average Revenue - Same Point in Time

Measure the average revenue expected in your destination by comparing it with the revenue forecast for the previous year on the same date and with the consolidated history.

Other KPIs for Hotels

Other KPIs for Destinations

Altri KPI per i Camping

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