Monitor the correlation between occupancy, total revenue, average revenue during an event in your destination.
Puoi misurare il tasso di occupazione You can measure the occupancy rate in your locality in conjunction with an event organized in your territory.
Occupancy canceled
Know the cancellation rate and the corresponding aggregate value of your destination in relation to a canceled event in your territory.
Occupancy by sales channel in connection with an Event
You can find out which sales channel was used most by tourists who stayed during an event organized in your area.
Total Revenue
Monitor the income that your destination has lost in relation to a canceled event in your location.
Average revenue by nationality
Measure the average revenues generated by bookings in your territory for specific nationalities of guests, relating them to an event in your tourist location.
Total revenue
Track the overall revenue generated by an event organized in your destination.
Total written-off revenue
Monitor the income that your destination has lost in relation to a canceled event in your location.