Monitors sales trends and prices segmented by services, sales channel, market, and nationality
Average revenue by service type
It is possible to measure the average revenue in your destination for a single service type, such as B&B, room only, half board, full board.
Average revenue by sales channel
Monitor the average sales revenue on OTA, direct online channels like the website, or direct offline, like phone, mail, and walk-in, or through GDS registered in your destination.
Average revenue by market
You can measure the destination's average revenue by market segments such as groups, individuals, businesses, and leisure.
The average revenue per market in correlation to a group of events
You can measure the destination's average revenue by market segment relative to a group of events held in your territory.
Average revenue by nationality
You can measure the average revenue generated by bookings in your territory for specific nationalities of guests.
Average revenue by nationality in connection with an event
You can measure the average revenues generated by bookings in your territory for specific nationalities of guests, relating them to an event in your tourist location
Average revenue - SPIT
View the average revenue expected from OTB bookings received for the current year compared to the forecasts recorded for the same dates the previous year.