
Monitors occupancy, cancellations, and average revenue segmented by market type.

You can segment your destination data relating to different markets such as retail rates open to the public and do not require a previous commercial negotiation, negotiated rates, agreed upon with companies, regular customers, leisure groups or events, or business groups.

Occupancy by market

You can monitor your destination's occupancy rate by market segments (groups, individuals, businesses, and leisure) by comparing your performance compared to the past.

Occupancy canceled by market type

Compare the percentage of canceled occupancy in your territory by market type (retail, negotiated, leisure groups, and business groups) compared to past or future periods.

Average revenue by market

Measure the average revenue of the destination by market segments such as groups, individuals, business, and leisure

Other KPIs for Hotels

Other KPIs for Destinations

Altri KPI per i Camping

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