
Compare the cancellation rate of your local market.

Occupancy canceled

You can obtain the cancellation rate and its aggregate value of your destination for each past or future day, week, month.

Occupancy canceled in connection with a canceled event

Distinguish the cancellation rate and your destination's corresponding aggregate value relative to a canceled event in your territory.

La percentuale di occupazione cancellata può essere segmentata per tipologia di trattamento, canale, mercato e nazionalità.

Occupancy canceled by service type

You can determine the percentage of cancellation in your destination by service type comparing it for past and future periods.

Occupancy canceled by sales channel

Monitor the percentage of canceled occupancy in your location by type of sales channel by comparing it for past and future periods.

Occupancy canceled by market type

Compare the percentage of canceled occupancy in your territory by market type (retail, negotiated, leisure groups, and business groups) to past and future periods.

Occupancy canceled by nationality

View the percentage of canceled occupancy in your destination for specific nationalities who have stayed in the past and future periods.

Other KPIs for Hotels

Other KPIs for Destinations

Altri KPI per i Camping

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