Average Revenue

Compare sales and prices segmented by service, sales channel, market, and nationality.

The average revenue per service

You can compare your average income by type of service (B&B, room only, half board, full board) with that of your territory or competitive set for a specific past or future period.

Average revenue by sales channel

Segment the average revenue by sales channel and compare the percentages of sales on OTA, GDS, direct online channels such as the site, or direct offline such as telephone, mail, walk-in, compared to those of your territory or competitive set, for a specific past or future period.

Average revenue by market

You can segment the average revenue by type of market (retail, business groups, leisure, and negotiated groups) and compare this statistic with your territory or competitive set for a specific past or future period.

Average revenue by nationality

Conduct an in-depth analysis of guests' nationalities to grasp the trend of average prices by nationality and the mix of patrons in your hotel compared to your territory or competitive sets for a specific past or future.

Other KPIs for Hotels

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