
HBenchmark is the protagonist of the Destination Cagliari project


The Destination Cagliari project comes to life with the support of HBenchmark.

Create an agile and operational network that also uses the web, social media and storytelling to grow the tourist economy of the area, capable of increasing attendance, average visitor spending and employment opportunities, strengthening the territorial brand. These are the objectives of the Destination Cagliari project. The working group constituted by Sintur is composed, among others, of Giuseppe Melis, professor of Tourism Marketing at the University of Cagliari, Josep Ejarque, director of the company Four tourism, Eugenio Angelino, consultant of the DMO Romagna and Francesco Traverso, managing director of HBenchmark. Martino Di Martino, the administrator of Sintur and coordinator of the project, was entrusted with the task of narrating Destination Cagliari, from the need to analyze the starting situation of tourism in the capital to the direct involvement of all the interested parties. He therefore focused on the importance of having two innovative tools available, such as the HBenchmark Data Intelligence software and the Travel Appeal platform. "The first - he recalled - allows you to follow market trends, hotel occupancy status and trends in real-time. With the second we have the online sentiment and reputation analysis of the Cagliari destination ".

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